Baby Anderson finally did find a name about a week before he was born. So now it's little Keller Scott Anderson (or Kel, Kels, Kelly who knows what nickname we'll go with...I'm just calling him "little froggy" or "little booger" for now in the cutest voice possible) He was born on my Mom's birthday, December 18th at 6:47 pm. He was 7 lbs. 13 ozs. and 20 1/2 inches long (for some reason the lady who first measured him didn't straighten out his little froggy legs all the way, thus the different incorrect measurement on my FB post.) We went in to the hospital at 6:00 in the morning, and it took about 12 hours til the little bundle arrived. He really didn't want to come out. I was still at 4cm at 5:30pm. Then I got an epidural and within 40 minutes I jumped to 10cm and he was ready to be born. Incidentally, don't wait on your epidural, I waited too long, and it didn't have time to catch up. Of course, as all mothers say, after they see their newborn's beautiful face-"you don't remember the pain".
Keller Scott
We ended up staying at the hospital an extra day. I was discharged, but Keller was not. However, they let me stay with him to take care of him (how nice of them, right?). The baby doc heard a heart murmur that she wanted to get checked out, so he ended up having an EKG and Echo and chest x-ray. They had to send the Echo to All Children's for the neonatal cardiologist to read and then they had to take another chest x-ray b/c the first showed a mass near his spine. The 2nd x-ray came out just fine, so they think something was under him when he got x-rayed the first time. It took forever for All Children's to get back with their diagnosis, but they felt like the anamoly would correct itself within a short time. They only want to see him for a follow-up in 3 or 4 months, so nothing pressing. Finally, they had to check his bilirubin levels so he doesn't become jaundiced because our RH factor is not the same. If his color isn't right tomorrow, then I have to bring him back tomorrow for bloodwork. He has an appointment with his doctor on Monday, so she'll also check him then. After all that, we finally got to leave the hospital at 4:00 yesterday and it felt good to be home.

Daddy's newest boy
I caught Tyler just staring at his baby brother for like 20 minutes...sooo cute!
Big sis has been a big help...she just adores him :)
Best early Christmas gift ever!
Keller is staring at the tree lights.