Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 17, 2013

A New Year with a New Baby

     I haven't posted in a while... just trying to get used to our new addition.  I forgot how much time a new baby takes up.  Keller is a pretty good baby when it comes to sleeping at night.  He usually goes down around 10:30 or 11 pm and then doesn't wake up for 4 or 5 hours.  Then he eats and goes back to sleep for another 3 hours.  We're pretty lucky.  During the day, he has yet to get much "chill" time in. He likes to be held constantly. He had some trouble adjusting to his formula, so we changed it, but that boy loves to grunt and groan all day long.  We have had to give him some prune juice and gas drops throughout the day so he isn't so uncomfortable.  Changing him is a real challenge.  He is what I call a serial fountain pee-er.  If you are not out!  I have never had a baby boy that does that at least 3 or 4 times a day LOL.  Needless to say, he is generating a mountain of laundry for such a little guy.
      The other kids are pretty enamored of him. They all want to hold him...unfortunately, he is still mostly crying when he is awake, but they don't care too much.  He has started to smile fleetingly, and he moves his arms and legs so much that it looks like he is in a karate class.  He went to his 1 month old dr. appt. this past week and is now 9 pounds 13 he has gained 2 pounds already. Keller is a very good eater, obviously.
      He has taken a couple short trips so far.  I brought him for a visit to school to show him off and meet my class. His grandma and poppy from Arizona came for a visit and we went out to a restaurant.  Scott and I also went shopping with him.  He was a fabulous baby during these expeditions and barely cried.  Finally, I took him on a trip to my mom's last weekend, which was a bit scary, because it takes and hour and 15 minutes to get there.  He was a champ, though, and slept all the way there and all the way back home.  Not much more to report at this time.  I still have about 5 more weeks at home with him before I go back to work.  Yay!  I hope to post more soon :)

Happy New Year!

Daddy's boy

Chilling with Grandma

The whole bunch!

Proud big brother.